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pokoko said:
method114 said:

Wow you are crazy defensive and I have no idea why. If you didn't know this is a gaming forum where people discuss various things related to games. Me quoting you doesn't mean I "care" it means I wanted to discuss the topic with you. If I knew you were going to react like a child about it I would have never done it. I guess your right that naturally I immediately do form some sort of opinion about soemthing just by looks. I guess what I should have said is that I don't let those quick opinions I get affect me in my buying deciosions or whether or not I enjoy a game. I wait until I actually try it and for a few hours at least before I start really forming an opinion I'm comftorable discussing.I never said you wanted them to change the game that just you being crazy paranoid/defensive. I was simply stating that we should let the devs create the games the way they want and we can try them out and then decide if we like what they did or not. Never said you didn't have right not to be interested but I'm sure your paranoia led your thought process in that direction. Welcome to the internet my friend I'd recommmend letting down your defeneses a bit you might enjoy yourself online a bit more.

What the ...

Whoa there, Barn.  Put the bullet back in your pocket before you hurt yourself.  I'm not sure what you're talking about but it sure sounds like you're trying to blow this way out of proportion.  I think you might want to find a mirror before you start talking about crazy reactions.

First of all, don't imply that others are being "dumb" then call someone childish.  Pot, kettle on line one.  You are the only one calling people names.  Read back over the posts and then deny that.  Second, don't try to make sarcasm out to be some kind of internet rage.  I was hardly spamming exclaimation marks.

Seriously, don't do this.  Tactics like this are lame.  They will only make you look fake and/or silly.

If you want to discuss in a civil manner then don't start out with an insult.  I don't even understand how that would be a point of confusion.

As for the rest of what you're saying, I simply do not believe that you buy every game out there to see if you like it or not.  Very few people are both willing and able to do that.  Most of us have to make a decision based on avaliable media--and, yes, that's the proverbial "book cover", which for games is pretty extensive.  People do this all the time.

Personally, I don't care for the character designs.  They look like they're about to go clubbing instead of adventuring.  I don't like that there are only five party members and that you only control one of them.  From what I've seen in videos, the battle system does not appeal to me very much.  I think that's enough for me to form the initial impression that I'm just not very interested in this game at this point in time.

Ok I'm just going to ignore everything you started off with. Looks like we both got confused or just me. I thought you were getting mad, you say you weren't and that's good enough for me. I'll chalk it up to miscommunication.

I do not buy every game out there you're 100% right about that. I buy the games I can and the rest I wait for a while some I get back to some I don't. What you described is much more than just judging a book by it's cover. You went out of your way to watch videos of the combat, getting info on the number of playable characters, and other game mechanics none of which appealed to you. In your initial statement I was under the impression that you were simply judging the game base on the characters. I can completely understand you not liking the game with the reasons you gave here.