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pokoko said:
method114 said:

To me I don't ever care about the cast of characters in a game just by looks. It's juding a book by it's cover which has always been dumb IMO. I want devs to make games the way they feel they should and I dont' want anyone interrupting or changing their visions for their game. They're the artist and should be the ones in full control of how it's made. Imagine if Da Vinci had a group of board memebers telling him how to paint his paitnings so that more people will like it? All I care about is that when I play the game I enjoy it. If I enjoy it with a cast of all men/women/a mix of both then great really doesn't matter to me either way.

Good for you.  It's awesome that you don't care about the cast and that you've never looked at the characters in a game and decided that they do or do not interest you.  That's amazing.  I don't actually believe you, of course, about not judging books by their covers, as everyone has done that when deciding what media to buy, but that's neither here nor there.

The point is, characters are important to me.  You don't have to like that.  Honestly, I don't even know why you care.

Also, where did I say anything about changing the game?  Developers have a right to make the game they want and I have the right to be interested or not interested.  Don't you think?

Wow you are crazy defensive and I have no idea why. If you didn't know this is a gaming forum where people discuss various things related to games. Me quoting you doesn't mean I "care" it means I wanted to discuss the topic with you. If I knew you were going to react like a child about it I would have never done it. I guess your right that naturally I immediately do form some sort of opinion about soemthing just by looks. I guess what I should have said is that I don't let those quick opinions I get affect me in my buying deciosions or whether or not I enjoy a game. I wait until I actually try it and for a few hours at least before I start really forming an opinion I'm comftorable discussing.I never said you wanted them to change the game that just you being crazy paranoid/defensive. I was simply stating that we should let the devs create the games the way they want and we can try them out and then decide if we like what they did or not. Never said you didn't have right not to be interested but I'm sure your paranoia led your thought process in that direction. Welcome to the internet my friend I'd recommmend letting down your defeneses a bit you might enjoy yourself online a bit more.