pokoko said: I like how some people are attacking those who have a different opinion about what they prefer with Final Fantasy games. Most of it is just contrived rationalizations, too. "I like more diversity with the cast and a larger pool of party members." What in the name of all things furry and soft gives you the right to decide what I like in a videogame? Climb down off your high horse. The cast for this game leaves me uninterested. Why that hurts of the feelings of anyone to the point that they feel the need to lash out, I don't understand. You're keen on these guys? Good for you.
To me I don't ever care about the cast of characters in a game just by looks. It's juding a book by it's cover which has always been dumb IMO. I want devs to make games the way they feel they should and I dont' want anyone interrupting or changing their visions for their game. They're the artist and should be the ones in full control of how it's made. Imagine if Da Vinci had a group of board memebers telling him how to paint his paitnings so that more people will like it? All I care about is that when I play the game I enjoy it. If I enjoy it with a cast of all men/women/a mix of both then great really doesn't matter to me either way.