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Chazore said:
Ljink96 said:
North Korea is just trying to scare people like they scare their own citizens. But it won't work. We've taken on tougher entities than them, we're okay guys.

I'm not all that scared because I know too well that if NK ever dared to launch a single nuke then they would be wiped clean off the map and of course something that big would either spark a world war where everyone loses or evryone agrees NK was being an arse and make an example out of thier would be demise, when they think it's a good idea to threaten the world or anyone else with a nuke, you know they are making themselves part of the problem and an enemy that shouldn't really exist. The fact they are clearly going to use these as a threat shows that they are willingl to risk the end of humanity because they can't control or demand shit from the world.

Also Japan seems to be spazzing out about it so this doesn't bode well.

I doubt any country would want to start a world-ending war over freaking North Korea. As a matter of fact, if North Korea screws up, I can see even China joining in removing the Kim regime from power.

War over the shambles of a country known as North Korea? As if.