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barneystinson69 said:
Jimbo1337 said:
To me, he represents someone who is going to fix our economy and bring jobs to the millions of Americans who currently do not have one. There simply is no better candidate than Trump who can do this.

I like the fact that he has spent next to nothing in comparison to the other candidates and is currently leading in the GOP polls. When have we, as a nation, ever spent under budget? I am so freaking tired of hearing the same thing that we are going to fix X and I see nothing done!

For example:
Obama in 2008 campaigned and said we are going to fix our crumbling roads and bridges. In 2012, he said the same thing after spending like 2 trillion dollars. (correct me if I am wrong on those numbers). My point is that I am so tired of seeing them waste all of our money and doing nothing with it.

I am tired of the fact that we currently don't have borders. Our country is perceived as a joke! I went to Eric Idle and John Cleese live and they made fun of the fact that Mexicans were pouring into our country and we as a nation weren't doing anything about it. We know it is an issue for the past 30 years and Trump represents someone who is actually going to fix this issue. If we don't close the border and just allow people to come across illegally, then we don't have a country at all. What is the point of following only certain laws? It's not that I want to keep people out of our country. I just want them to come in legally so the can start paying taxes just like the rest of us. I want a wall so we can stop or slow down the Cartel so drugs stop pouring into our country. Then maybe our kids may have a fighting chance to be successful instead of throwing away their lives to drugs. I want a wall because it prevents ISIS terrorists from easily entering our country.

I want a president that is actually going to take these terrorists threats seriously and who is going to bring the world together to eradicate ISIS. I am tired of the stupid nonsense that is going on in our country (like rich people getting away with taxes and other nonsense) *glares at affluenza kid*. I could go on and on but my vote for Trump will never change.


You want a wall? The amount of money will be in the 10s-100s of billions of dollars. And even then, who's to say it prevents Mexicans from coming in? As for ISIS, well they can come in from Canada or the sea, you can't close off an entire country...

You complain about Obama spending too much money, well there was something called the great recession, which was thanks to bushy jr. Then of course you say drugs, HA! The war on drugs has been a failure, and you think people won't find ways to get them? Do what portugal did and legalize all of them, it actually worked! Then of course you say terrorists. What exactly will he do, steal the oil and let big corpos sell it (he even said so). So now he supports the big corps, and you think he's pro-american? And I'm sure those "allies" are more than willing to help America achieve that.

He's a blatant liar. He plans on using the country for his own person uses, and it'll be a big amount of hurt for the US indeed... He's no politican, he's a businessman (a sucky one at that).

You make it sound like a giant wall doesn't work and where are you getting 10s - 100s of billions of dollars from?  Trump said he could build it for what...10 million?  So let's just see the end result shall we?  

You do realize that if you fly into Canada, they will send you back if you are illegal right?  Uh huh...and that is why you make it easier for immigrants to come into our country LEGALLY and make it harder for them to come in ILLEGALY.  I mean is it that hard to understand the purpose of a wall?

Obama has spent more money than all of the previous presidents combined!  

So your stance is if it has been a failure in the past, then just give up and join the party?  I simply cannot understand this way of ever.  

Yeah Trump said that he would take their oil fields to cut off their wealth.  If they don't have any money coming in, then they can't buy any more guns/ammunition.  Oh wait, didn't the UK strike Syria?  Hmm what were their first airstrikes?  Oh that is right...they hit the oilfields in Omar.  I guess Trump was right.  

What evidence is there to support that he would use the country for his own personal use?  Do you mean him running a political campaign that has lost him millions of dollars.  Like NBCUniversal with The Apprentice and Miss Universe?  Or how about the menswear collection in Macys?  Or how about NASCAR, ESPN, PGA, or his buildings in Dubai?  He also doesn't want to have a salary while he is president.  Yup...he wants to use the country for his own personal use.

You call trump a liar.  List the things that he has lied about.