Normchacho said:
No, but...I expect the Rift to cost like $399-$449, PSVR to cost around $299-$349, and this to cost like $599-$649. From what I hear it's the best of the big 3 as far as tracking and such goes, but is it going to be $200 better than the Rift? Oh, and that price is without the room tracking. |
At the end of the day there are going to be 3 headsets that all do and focus on different things within the VR spectrum, what I'm getting from these PP comparisons is that higher (price point)PP=shit/going to flop/useless, otherwise if it's expensive and does well then the price is worth it. People thougtht the PS3 was worth getting that second job for, I honestly don't know why it can't be applied here if a huge company befrehand used it and came out fine.
Even then fgrom all this PC VR is going to get roasted a hell of a lot, we already see roasting for PC builds, imagine the released PP for all 3 devices and then comes the "you need X build to handle this VR device" followed by "Why you shouldn't play X on PC", this is all I'm getting from PP comparisons, otherwise who cares, as long as you're fine with paying the price and like the device. I paid about £950 for my current spec and I'm more or less fine with it and I'm still upgrading pieces in time.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.