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The guy has no people besides himself to make the game, doesn't seem to have a plan beyond "I wanna make a Star Wars RPG" and doesn't seem to realize how licensing and copyright work whatsoever... I can pretty much guarantee that if this somehow will make its $200k goal that the guy will just pocked the money and will be hit with a cease and desist order.

Also lol'd at this: "I am currently looking into talking with Disney if I am able to do this. If not then there might have to be a compromise on the name or some other parts."

What is this dude thinking?! Does he think he can just make a game with Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and other Star Wars characters and just release his product as long as it's not named Star Wars? Fucking lol, he'd be in trouble if he had a character even somewhat resemble a Stormtrooper. Also to answer his question if Disney is ok with it: of course they aren't, we'd be swimming in Star Wars game if shit like this was possible!