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Viktor said:
Roronaa_chan said:
Viktor said:
So in other words PS4 was slightly overtracked here at vgchartz. But imo close enough, I guess.

No, it wasn't.

Unless sales dropped like a rock after 12th Dec. right before Christmas I doubt that. The PR includes 3 further weeks from what we see now in the front page (Dec.12th 53.3m). Even Japan alone, which is one of the weaker markets for PS4, adds most likely an estimated 150k units in these 3 weeks. Which leaves 450k for the rest of the world, which means US, Europe etc. in the past three weeks, including at least 2 typically strong weeks. Since I doubt it sold just 450k in the past three weeks in US, Europe, Asia (without Japan) etc. it´s only logical to assume that it was "slightly" overtracked over here.

No, the website shows sales data to the 26th of December, ergo, it's missing one week.