NiKKoM said:
There is even less interest in PC sales then mobile.. At least mobile sales threads gets at 10 "mobile gaming sucks" posts.. |
lol, probably because mobile gamers are a microscopic minority on here (can't say I've seen a single mobile first gamer talk out on here). I just find it odd how the recent innovation that is SS has seen a slight rise in this site and some others adopting usage of it even though said sites always talk about being wary of inncaruate sales data but are willing to use an innacurate system to place a dot on a platform as a whole even though again the data isn't in full and thus shouldn't be used as much, to me I'm seeing both good and bad from SS, good as in we get a rough idea of what's going on but at the same time bad because people use that rough data to smear the platform (shit sales, PC gaming is dying, filfthy pirates etc).
Also I think there is at least one guy on here that loves mobile gaming and would gladly use it against PC (throwing one platform under another's bus)
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"