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midrange said:
Darwinianevolution said:
midrange said:
Darwinianevolution said:
Nogamez said:

Nintendo already got the flagship AC imo ( no pun intended) ACIV blackflag!

Jokes aside, if this is true, Ubisoft has no faith on the NX. They put AC3 and AC blackflag on the U, and for the NX just Liberation?

Then again, this sounds like a very fake leak, the only thing it's sounds legit its Ubi porting a Vita game to the NX. I suspect we'll see a lot of those in the future.

Are you surprised at ubisoft's commitment? I don't know if this is right or not, but after Ubisoft was burned by the wii u launch (they were about to give them 2 great launch exclusives!) it wouldnt surprise me that ubi just wants to test it out with a port and rayman

Well, it seems that, out of the three big western publishers, Ubisoft is the one more willing to give Nintendo a chance. Activision stopped the support once they saw CoD couldn't sell, and EA outright boycotted the WiiU with that unnacceptable Origin deal. Ubisoft kept the support for a while, albeit with weaker versions of the games, and no DLC (but they are hardly the only ones).

Even if Ubisoft has less hopes on the NX, a vita port of a game four years old from a franchise that didn't sell well on Nintendo platforms to begin with seems foolish. A port of Grown Home would seem more plausible.

The port of AC from the vita does seem odd at first, but once you realize that ubisoft Bucharest made that game and has experience porting to Nintendo consoles, it makes sense to use that port to both test the hardware and the audience without wasting too much money.

Rayman is self explanatory as to why it's a good game to launch the NX with

Yeah, I think all the major western 3rd parties are going to do some low-risk, low fanfare ports to test out how difficult it will be to work with the NX before commiting to it.  If it isn't around the same level of ease as the PS4/xbox one then I fully expect them to ignore the NX as well.  Nintendo should go into the NX fully expecting western 3rd parties to give them the cold shoulder and only depend on themselves and select Japanese 3rd parties until western publishers show a solid commitment towards supporting them.