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Thunderbird77 said:

Although probably another fake, it's the first one with some logic behind it. Nintendo already said their next handheld and home console will have the same architeture. The most possible outcome is that the sucessors for Wii U and 3ds have around 30-40% of it's first party lineups as major exclusives, with the rest (major multiplayer titles, smaller 3d games, all 2d games) getting the smash for Wii U and 3ds treatment. The visual difference would be smaller due to the power gap shrinking and there should be cross buy and cross local/online multiplayer for shared titles. Same cross buy for virtual console titles.

Sharing the whole library is not only impossible but also a terrible business decision. That's because exclusives are what value a platform.


You're thinking of it from a point of view of what platforms are now, the rumour itself is nothing new from what's been speculated before, Iwata indicated two years ago at a stock holders meeting that NX maybe a software platform that drives a family of devices much like a cross between IOS and Steam. This is further backed by the recent string of patents, the new accounts system and indicators from Nintendo themself, it would make perfect business sense as gaming would then adopt a new form in business approach.

Rather then get hardware sales it would be more geared to getting people to open an account on this platform and from then one the person is always a consumer regardless which device they have whether mobile, home console or portable.

This makes migration between devices easier for the consumer, I can see the portable and home console sharing the majority of first party games with each game scaling to the hardware (again something like this was indicated in a patent), sharing a library is also one of the few viable ways to reduce the droughts between the platforms especially if the are mutiple skus.