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ckmlb said:
Bodhesatva said:

Ckmlb said: I don't think there is really a necessary need to capture their attention. I don't get why you are aiming for that. Aiming for more artistic games is a good aim, but aiming for more older people to play them, how is that going to improve games? I guess more games will sell (see Wii,DS).

Okay, totally disagree with this. The big problem with this is that young males don't care about high art. This has been shown in pretty much every way possible: they (generally -- always generally) don't care about modern literature, they don't care about canonized literature. They don't care about art house flicks, or sculpture, or modern painting, or classical painting. They don't care about operah or symphonics or even (again, generally speaking) Jazz. Not only that, it's been shown in games too -- the specific games you mention as bordering on art have had mediocre sales, terrible sales, or downright awful ones.

So unless adults are playing, there's really very little chance art will flourish in the video game industry.

You are overgeneralizing, all my friends were interested in literature in art since high school. Also I think both adults and young people in general are anti-art.

I would say I want more adults to play games to improve the quality but not if adults want more non-artistic passtime games which they seem to do. Most adults are looking in movies, books and all other media instead of gaming for art.

Okay. If we can't agree that Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Fitzgerald and all their friends tend to be the domain of 

1) The well educated

2) The adult

or if you want to argue that teenagers absolutely love "Don Quixote" in the same way they watch reality shows by the millions every week, then I don't think we can continue. 


I'll just leave it at this: you claim adults only want insipid games. I say we don't know what adults want yet; they're just entering the market. Thanks to Nintendo. If we are ever going to see games as high art, we need to get the demographics that generally enjoy high art to start paying attention to our medium in the first place.">">