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Bodhesatva said:

More about brain age:

Memory Tests were conducted on a wide range of people, from elementary school children to full grown adults. Data showed that people who did simple calculations and read aloud did two to three times better in tests of memory ability. Also, patients with cognitive impairment that performed simple calculations and read aloud two to five times a week were able to prevent the worsening of their condition and improve the conditioning of the prefontal cortices more than those who had not done such exercises.

Again, you can insist that it's not "art," but the essential component of art I'm most concerned with is intellect or emotional sophistication, and Brain Age is clearly and directly more intellectually provocative.

 Then we definitely disagree because I see art for its emotional content not its intellectual (in the sense of simply making you think). A book about the genocide in Darfur can make me think so can a crossword puzzle but they are both not art. 

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!