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hershel_layton said:
KungKras said:

Never had the greatest cases? Does everyone in this thread have memories like goldfishes?

NES, SNES, and Wii won their respecive generations.GC, N64 and Wii U did not. 50% is a bit more than never. And if you think N64 was mediocre, a lot of people disagree with you.

I know they won their generation. what i meant was that the Wii was the only one with God-like numbers.


It's not as though Nintendo is struggling everywhere. They're doing well in Japan. They are a Japanese company. I just think that they need to have some flexibility with their consoles when it comes to the US. 


The Eastern and Western market are extremely different. I think Nintendo needs to see that before advancing further.

I think one of the biggest hurdles for Nintendo in the west is NoA's insistence in trying to portray Nintendo as the kid-friendly alternative (which ironically tends to drive away kids and teens) instead of an age neutral console that focuses on gameplay and fun -- because that's their strongest selling point.  Hell, if I were a marketer, I'd start a campaign where I'd put a magnifying glass on Nintendo's emphasis on fun over cinematic experiences and narrative-based games where you spend more time watching than actually playing.