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Women: No one likes to help us!

Me: Then why are men are expected by society to be the one who fulfills all your needs? Why are men are expected to be the ones working their butts off as you stay home and relax? Why are unrealistic models of women are being stopped, but not men? Why are there many shelters for women that are victims of relationship abuse? Why are rape cases for women more realistic than rape cases for men? Why have women gained almost every right a man has in secular areas of the world?

I can keep going on. Whatever feminists/nazis currently cry out is non-existent. I would like for them to spend some time outside of the US(or whatever country they have equal rights in). Perhaps if they realized that women in Africa struggle with things such as their period(if someone comments on this, I'll explain if you want); perhaps if they realized that women in other parts of the world get raped and denied an abortion! maybe if feminists woke up, then they'd realize- "hey, we actually have rights! We didn't have to get married at 6 to a 40 year old uncle that's probably a pedophile! We're allowed to vote, work, get a salary, become successful, have a family, play sports, basically everything a man can! We can defend ourselves if someone ACTUALLY rapes us! We can choose who we want to marry! We don't need to be a slave to any man!".

BUT WAIT!- A man took a peek at you because you're wearing very revealing clothes? Then misinterpret his intentions! Call him a rapist pig! Wish that he dies! Go cry on tumblr. Yes, tumblr indeed! Perhaps he has this thing called hormones that made him desire to look! BUT OF COURSE NOT! SCIENCE AND LOGIC CANNOT WORK HERE!

Many feminists say they're very insecure and whatnot. In all honesty, why would a person with so many mental/social issues be on social networking? For real. That just doesn't make any sense.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.