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I felt this thread made sense and I wanted to see what everyone's top 10 most hyped games for 2016 are.



1. The Legend of Zelda Wii U - it's a open world Zelda in HD, how can you not be hyped?

2. Yooka Laylee - We are finally getting are spirtual successor to Banjo, I need this!

3. Dragon Quest XI - We are finally getting a return to the Dragon Quest XIII style, finally!

4. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD - It was one of my favorite Zelda's and we are finally getting a HD remaster, I just hope the new content will be worth it

5.. Horizan Zero Dawn - Looks amazing and i need it day 1

6. Final Fantasy XV - I'm just starting to get into FF finally and I am very hyped for XV

7. Uncharted 4 - It's Uncharted

8. Firewatch - It looks really intresting and I'm hyped to expierence the story

9. No Man Sky - I don't know if it wil live to expectations but hopefully it does!

10. Persona 5 - I've never actually played Persona but I am feeling the hype for P5.

Games I would have on my last if I had an Xbox One

1. Cuphead

2. Scalebound

(List may change depending if the NX launches next year and it has an amazing launch title other then Zelda)