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gigaSheik said:
KLXVER said:
gigaSheik said:
KLXVER said:


I didnt say it was a success. You said that nintendo dont care about the wiimote anymore. Well....they do.

It just goes on to show how imbecile they are... Besides, its not their main selling point. The tablet (how many touch devices they wanna sell?) controller is.


So now they are stupid to still care about the wiimotes? Kinda being unfair to them now...

Of course they are stupid. Defenetely. Their market is eroding. Nintendo is fading. Losing relevance. When people talk about games they hardly talk about Nintendo. They keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Thats stupidity. There's no other way to spin it.


weird, they're fading so much that they first time they decided to release a major toy brand it has sold as well as the other top selling figure-toy brands

they're fading because their handheld this generation has sold like 60 million during a time period in which NO other company has managed to stay alive in the handheld market, even Sony

they're fading because they constantly get asked to put their IP into movies and TV?

you're delusional. Nintendo clearly has had less success this generation than last, but they still are extremely relevant. they only reason Nintendo isn't 'talked' about in terms of the console wars is because the Wii U has an oddball controller tablet and disconnected with buyers due to confusion over its relation to the Wii

Nintendo releases a standard high spec system with a more traditional controller and some degree of compatibility integration with their next handheld and it will sell insanely well

the reality is that Nintendo has all of the IP's and character any game company could dream for. They have the fans and they have money. there is no reason for them not excel in the generations to come

also to those who repeatedly stupidly say Nintendo should become third party- you do not understand Nintendo's business model at all or are not aware of what kind of cut third party software developers get. There's production costs, lack of full control on game development (dependent on the hardware player), sharing software sale revenue with the hardware creator, etc. etc. etc.

Nintendo's worst current move would be something like that. and it would be totally illogical. Nintendo doesn't NEED to leave making consoles. they've made far more money than their competitions over the last few decades because they are more concerned with profit than market share