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I think my faith in humanity has just been restored! I came across an article on Gawker a while back about a feminist trolling men's rights activists with quotes from Good will Hunting and that was linked through Kotaku, and pretty much all the opinions were the opposite of these. Many qualified Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) as pu**ies and used very violent and derogatory terms to qualify them. I was so shocked at the one-sidedness of the comments that I actually created an account just to try to give people some facts and to defend, as briefly as possible, the MRA movement.

Unfortunately, it would seem that society is so brainwashed that people, men included, don't understand the necessity of MRAs and the MRA movement. So conditioned are people that they will automatically jump at any MRAs as a reflex without taking the time to do research or think critically. So conditioned they are to political correctness and feminist views that they claim men have nothing to complain about, that men have all the privileges, that the only ones who suffer are women. I truly felt that humanity was coming to an end.

Reading these comments on this site has really restored my faith that people are not as brainwashed as I thought, that they are capable of thinking for themselves and against the polically correct conditioned views feminists would like us all to have. Gawker isn't Jezebel (in which case I would understand better the comments), but the violence of the comments made me understand that Kotaku and the associated sites are run by extreme feminists, either because of political correctness or by ignorance on men's issues.

I would just like to extend a big thank you to all! Thanks!