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I think it's probably seen as an easy way for Nintendo to make a ton of money, and it's likely true. I mean, I know I'd be more inclined to playing their IP if I could get it on PC/PS4...but my tastes are far, far wider now that I'm older, than when I was a kid (I don't care if you're an adult, who owns a Wii U, I'm talking about my tastes) and Nintendo simply doesn't cater to them all.

But, I'm indifferent, Nintendo's also shown they can hit it out of the park, they just need to tweak their hardware model, imo. Personally, I'd only really want Nintendo to go 3rd party/publisher, IF it was the difference between them continuing to make games, and not. Otherwise, I'm fine with them going it their own way, they stumble from time to time, but who doesn't?