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Uhhh the world has finite resources and with the quality of living going up every day that means more resources being used/wasted. Literally there are only so many fish in the sea and animals on land how to we presume to feed 7+ billion people in the next 30 years? The world is in a population crises and people either don't know about it, don't care, or don't think there is a problem at all. I just don't understand human's, were on the brink of killing off the planet entirely. When all he animals start dying off (already are) it's an unbreakable chain effect. You couple that with pollution, economic troubles, atomic bombs, and social hate and fighting because of culture, color, or interest differences the world is madness and everyone has went out and bought giant rug's to sweep it all under. I feel bad for the future generation's because it's gonna be scary. It's so sad...