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jason1637 said:
Wow this thread has been going from GT to Forza to Mario kart. Pretty funny how off topic its been,
Anyway on the Forza thing, horizon 2 sold 527k in the first 10 weeks and 227k FW while Forza 6 sold 607k in 10 weeks and 210k fw. I know one is more arcade and the other is more of a sim but the fanbase is essential the same. And it looks like this Forza game is gonna outsell horizon 2. If they continue on this path then we could see an increase yoy in sales. BTW I'm not speaking about Forza 5 because it was a launch title.

Anyways as for Halo 5 i could see that it isn't the series it used to be and could end up around 5.5 in the end of the year with digital. With those numbers it's still has a really good attack rate but it isn't what it used to be. I hope MS gives us real sales numbers because i am interested in its digital sales.


in the end of year he could not sell 5.5 Millions even with digital, digital is over 20% now he sold over 2.8-3 Millions at Retail, he would need to sell atleast more 1.5 Millions on the Holiday season, and i dont see he doing this, even the Early Vg Chartz, dont show Halo 5, toping the chartz, we will need to wait for NPD.