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curl-6 said:
DonFerrari said:

And GT6 with 5M is a flop, Driveclub with 2M is a flop and Forza 6 with 1M is a success?

GT6's sales were revealed to be 2.37m this September, not 5m.               4.7M right there

Chris Hu said:
DonFerrari said:
Chris Hu said:

Nope, they did the same thing with Horizon 2.  Plus its not like GT6 where it costs over $120 in real money to buy the most expensive cars via microtransactions.  The tokens are pretty much only for super lazy people since its super easy to earn credits in a the Forza games on the X1.  The only game where tokens where somewhat benefical was Forza 4 where earning credits is somewhat of a grind but at least you can easily unlock free parts for every manufacturer in the game.

Yes, the totally unecessary cars costed that much on GT6, I spended nill on them.

And GT6 with 5M is a flop, Driveclub with 2M is a flop and Forza 6 with 1M is a success?

Consindering the smaller install  base and the decent attach ratio its about as successful as most previous Forza games but of course there are a ton of people that thing its a flop.  If you compare any racing franchise to Mario Kart in sales and attach ratio (especially MK8) they would all be considered flops even GT.

And we always here how install base is insignificant to stablished franchises right? Besides MK on Wii and WiiU the previous weren't selling more than GT. So is Forza not a flop but the others are? And what does MK have to do with it?

DonFerrari said:

Yes, the totally unecessary cars costed that much on GT6, I spended nill on them.

And GT6 with 5M is a flop, Driveclub with 2M is a flop and Forza 6 with 1M is a success?

But me and my dog bought GT6 digital so it really sold 15M :p

But to be fair GT6 sales can be considered a flop relatively to the franchise.

Underwhelming yes, flop no. And with 90% digital it sould 50M

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."