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Chris Hu said:
Swordmasterman said:
Chris Hu said:

Nope, they did the same thing with Horizon 2.  Plus its not like GT6 where it costs over $120 in real money to buy the most expensive cars via microtransactions.  The tokens are pretty much only for super lazy people since its super easy to earn credits in a the Forza games on the X1.  The only game where tokens where somewhat benefical was Forza 4 where earning credits is somewhat of a grind but at least you can easily unlock free parts for every manufacturer in the game.


They released the Microtransations after the Launch, days after the Launch, this shows that they would not do this if the game were with more units sold, if they released in the same time this would not be a Problem.

you need to Remember that the PR, for Forza 6, was Huge in a lot of countries, a lot of things on internet and on TV, this cost millions and millions just for the PR, i dont remember of GT6, but  if you can get via Game Coin, dont matter if it is easy or hard to get, the Developers can get a lot of Money, for the people that want  to own the cars very fast.



The released the microtransaction way after launch they got re introduced on November the 16, the game first launched on September the 9th (digitally).  The PR wasn't that huge and a lot of it was free since Ford is the offical car sponsor for Forza 6.


i think that the PR, for Forza 6, was more expensive  than the development itself, here in Brazil, they called Emerson Fittipaldi, the Biggest Brazilian Racer to date ( that still alive, because Ayrton Senna, were a better racer, and were with Gran Turismo), they also said something about a Reallity Show with Fittipaldi, and some Kids playing Forza 6, or something like that.

Microtransations to help to Bost you character fast is something that gives a lot of money, Really really a lot, without need to do Nothing, after 1 Week of Launch, Halo 5, a game where you can get everything for free, already had more than 1 Million of US$ only with Microtransations, even being very easy to get Money in the game.


and Microsoft's PR, were very Huge, for over 6 Months the only thing that Microsoft, were talking about is the "Better Line up in Xbox History", they even stop to give Shipiment numbers, and Software sales numbers, i Hope they release some numbers about Halo, and Xbox, in the Financial reports of March.