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Chazore said:
JEMC said:
Chazore said:

Man I still haven't bought anything for myself since Xmas eve, Steam sales this year have really sucked for me =/.

So far I've started watching that dude playing Fallout 4 on a pacifist run, makes me wish Beth and other devs would put more focus on pacifism routes into their games.

Also jeeeeeesus that reshade mod o3o, I wouldn't mind sporting an ENB if they were simple and easy to use.

I've only bought Saints Row: Gat out of Hell and Tomb Raider, and got Dragon's Lair from my Secret Santa. I'm thinking about getting Endless Space, but we'll see what I end up doing.

Yeah, I wouldn't call these Sales exciting. Let's hope the no flash/daily sales experiment fails and we get them again the next time.

I'm not into the 4x type strat games but if it's your jam then I say go for it =D.

I do hope Valve see this as an error and sort this out before Summer sales nextyear because I feel flash and daily sales really make Steam sales what they are, also some devs need to stop skimping out (Looking at Activision, Bethesda, devs that only knock off 25%).

I'm not much into 4x games myself, but the game attracts me for some unknown reason :-/.

And yes, there are some devs and game prices that baffles me. How can the Call of Duty games still be so expensive? Not that I'm interested in them (only Modern Warfare, but not enough to play 10 € for it), but it's weird on a franchise that relies so much on multiplayer and that sees its players jumping every year into the latest entry.

Another thing that I've seen and I don't understand is Ubisoft. All the AC games are discounted (even Syndicate has a 40% off!), but Black Flag is full price. Or the Anno series where the only game on sale is 1404. I understand leaving 2205 out because it's new, but why 2070 is also full price?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.