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So yeah, instead of critiquing your list I'm just gonna post my own because then you can compare what I like on the console vs. what you liked.  I will say that I really enjoyed reading it though, always love reading anyone's thoughts about Vita.

Also, while I could do top 25 lists of digital/retail separate, I'm going to mush them into one because I don't particularly prefer one category over the other.

Finally, I'm combining releases where appropriate - games have to be tied in both story and gameplay.  So for example, I'm including DanganRonpa 1 & 2 as one entry, but Another Episode separate (different gameplay).  Atelier Rorona/Totori/Meruru as one entry, but Ayesha separate (different story).

(P.S. Making this list was really difficult)

25. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

While not quite the game I was hoping it would be, PlayStation All-Stars on Vita is still a bloody good time - a 4-person brawler full of super moves and PlayStation mascots.  Could've done with a more fleshed out story mode but for dipping in to for a few hours here and there, the game is almost unbeatable - just loads of fun whenever I play it.

24. Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

If ever there were a content-rich Vita game to get hundreds of hours out of (aside from Disgaea), it'd be this one.  You've got the whole of the Infinity Moment content from the PSP game and then the additional Hollow area, it's massive beyond belief.  Add in some very interesting MMO-esque gameplay with a gorgeous world to explore and get lost in, you've definitely got one of Vita's stand-out games.

23. Earth Defence Force 2017

The perfect game to chip away at on Vita, EDF 2017 is like Dynasty Warriors except with ants and guns.  And lord, is it much better for it.  Amusing in a campy b-movie way; filled with missions and things to do (and then you do it all again on a higher difficulty) and again - massively benefiting from Vita's dual sticks, it feels perfectly at home here and is masses of fun to play on the handheld.

22. Bastion

Not a game I particularly enjoyed on PC, but when I got to playing this on Vita I felt a lot more attached to it.  Narratively well-structured, the real meat is the combat - although simplistic, I actually had a lot of fun faffing around with different weapons and playing in new game+ mode.  Soundtrack is great too and aesthetically very well made.

21. Minecraft

Lower down on my list just because I haven't had the time to put into it yet like I did on 360 and PC, it's nevertheless a great adaptation of the popular game - and again, feels like something that was designed specifically for the Vita thanks to the dual analogue controls and the pick-up-and-play nature of the machine.  

20. Need for Speed: Most Wanted

I was pretty devestated that this was the only Need for Speed game that came to the Vita because it does what it does so well.  The open world - a rarity on Vita - is full of stuff to do and beautifully realised; the racing is fast-paced and arcadey enough to keep me very interested and there is a metric shit-tonne of stuff to do, plus a very interesting online mode to boot.  Criterion did a fantastic job getting this running as well as they did on Vita too.

19. TxK

I bet people don't even know what tube shooters are anymore, yet here's one of the best I've seen in years on Vita.  Another game like Hotline Miami that mixes in that neon explosion aesthetic so well with a killer soundtrack, looking gorgeous on the Vita's screen and featuring tonnes of gameplay through different modes and levels.  A really neat gem that gets overlooked far too often.

18. Lost Dimension

Maybe I'm being a little gung-ho including this one considering I've only been playing it the past few days, but damn, it's good.  Mixing DanganRonpa's mechanics (although a much more simplified version) with the third-person SRPG design of Valkryia Chronicles, it's actually produced a really interesting game which thankfully didn't overstay its welcome in the time I was with it.  A very interesting game.

17. Steins;gate

Like many of the games on this list, this is one of those things that you'll either love of hate.  Luckily for me - I loved it.  An intricately woven story full of heartbreak and surprisingly interesting sci-fi babble, the lack of gameplay does let it down (I like VN's, but I prefer them to have intersperced things to do like DanganRonpa), it's still a thrilling ride that I'd recommend everyone take.

16. Super Stardust Delta

Up there with GeoWars 3 but not quite as good, SSDD is still a blast to play on Vita thanks to the twin stick controls and beautiful OLED screen.  While things are slightly dumbed down from SSDHD thanks to the removal of rock cutter, it's still a phenomenal game packed with modes and loads of replayability to chase high scores.  

15. Ratchet Trilogy

I don't feel like I'm cheating here, but this is a collection of 3 games from the PS2 era, so maybe I shouldn't include it.  Still, OP has Persona 4 on *shrug*.  Anyway, while some ports have really suffered in the transition to Vita, the Ratchet games hold up fine - though admittedly only at 30FPS.  Still, the second and third games are still phenomenal action-platformers to this day, and are great fun being able to play on the go.  Definitely better than the Sly games, and sadly ported a lot better than the Jak games.

14. Ar noSurge Plus

First appearance for Gust on this list, but fourth game overall - they really make the kind of stuff I love.  What's most special about Ar noSurge is the world building - though it's a cheaply made RPG and definitely feels like it, the lore and story of this game is just untouchable really - I fell in love with these characters; this setting and the overarching plot, which was like many other JRPG's I've played and yet nothing like them at all.  Plus the soundtrack - just like every Gust game, is spectacular.  Another one where I'd say "definitely not for everyone", but so worth it if you put the time in - especially if you read Ciel noSurge summary first.

13. Guacamelee

While the pop culture references, such as the one in the picture shown, make this game even more enjoyable, it's the core itself that I love best about Guacamelee.  I've never been a fan of Metroidvanias but the genre is just so well represented here - the humor is on point; the exploration isn't too overwhelming; the combat gets that right mix between simplistic and overwhelming.  It's just a fantastic time.

12. Tales of Hearts R

This game may actually rise in my rankings when I have chance to give it more time.  As it stands, from what I played though, it's Tales through and through and that's a very good thing.  Like with every game in the series, while there's nothing stand-out amazing, it just has everything I've come to like from these games.  A comfortable, enjoyable story; likeable characters; a great soundtrack; fun world-exploring and as always incredible combat (which is at its best in quite some time in Hearts).  I'm very glad this game managed to make it to the west.

11. Gravity Rush

While the allure of this game has worn off a little over the years as I begun to overlook the "omg this is amazing" and realised the controls are flawed and the combat can get repetitive, it's still an incredible feat on Vita and a massively enjoyable game.  The open world is fun to just float around (although I do wish there was more to interact with), the story provides enough intrigue to keep me interested to the end and the soundtrack and locations were gorgeous.  Really gutted we aren't getting the sequel on this console.

10. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

One of those things were a series feels like it was just built for the console, I'd argue LBP is at its absolute best in this Vita version (though the campaign in LBP1 on PS3 is a little better).  Using touch inputs sensibly; looking absolutely gorgeous (and with a fantastic soundtrack to boot) and with loads of replayability thanks to the user-created levels, LBP Vita is a fantastic experience and even though I haven't rated it that highly, I feel it's a game every Vita owner should have.

09. Velocity Ultra/Velocity 2x

Velocity is one of those things that you'll either love or hate - luckily for me it's a massive "love".  Fast-paced beyond belief (especially if you wish to reach those high scores), it's a scrolling space shooter with a really fun teleport mechanic and absolutely phenomenal soundtrack.  Hard to believe it came from a tiny indie studio from the UK.  Velocity 2x is probably the better of the two games due to the bonus of the out-of-ship sections, but they're both fantastic.

08. Killzone Mercenary

I must admit, before this game I had 0 interest in the Killzone franchise.  I'd played 2 on the PS3 and had an alright time with it, but didn't really have any interest beyond that - the allure of a proper FPS on handhelds got me interested in this one though and man, was it worth it.  Absolutely stunning (beaten only by WipEout 2048, imo), featuring combat which is just weighty enough without being ridiculous like KZ2; the most robust multi-player on the console with the added bonus of botzone for when you're travelling and a surprisingly decent campaign offering replayability through branching objectives.  A must have and a real shame that it's the last true AAA on the console.

07. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

A fantastic game wrapped up in a tiny file size, and in my opinion the best example to show how well twin-stick shooters run on the Vita.  Fast-paced with plenty of modes; loads of power-ups; a campaign with many difficult challenges, just everything about the game is great.  Helps that it was fantastically optimized on the console so runs and looks like a dream, too.

06. Ys: Memories of Celceta

While Atelier may be the shining beacon of quality in turn-based RPG's on Vita (for me); Ys is the shining beacon of quality in action RPG's, and fantastic proof of what Falcom are capable of.  While the story may be middling - the combat; locations; world map; music and just about everything else about the game was stand-out and I had an absolute blast playing it.

05. Tearaway

What an unexpected bundle of joy this was.  A 3D collectathon "platformer" with a gorgeous aesthetic and a heart of gold.  While it lacks in the quantity department it more than makes up for it in quality (in the same way of something like Portal 2), this was just a beautiful game from beginning to end that made fantastic use of the Vita.  A really beautiful game.

04. Atelier Rorona Plus/Atelier Totori Plus/Atelier Meruru Plus

Again, I've included all 3 because they're linked by stories and include the same gameplay, but if you're picking one - DEFINITELY pick Atelier Totori Plus as it has by far and a way the most interesting story.  I'd played the Atelier series on PS3 and enjoyed them; I played the Atelier series on Vita and loved them.  Again, it feels like they were built for the handheld given that they're easily played in small chunks of time management.  The stories are slice-of-life and very sweet; the characters are likeable; the combat is fun; the alchemy is simple enough yet with depth and most of all, the world-exploring is fantastic.  It's definitely an acquired taste but I really would recommend everyone give this series a try.

03. WipEout 2048

WipEout is a highlight no matter what platform it releases on, and 2048 on Vita is no exception.  While Fusion on the PS2 tried to introduce wider tracks and better combat and failed miserably, 2048 definitely succeeded.  As fast paced as ever on Phantom mode, and including all the tracks from HD/Fury as DLC plus the sublime Zones mode which is easily the best thing about the series - plus arguably the best visuals Vita has ever produced, you've definitely got the full package here.  Flawless.

02. Hotline Miami 1 & Hotline Miami 2

I swap back and forth on my #1 game, and these two games missed out by a whisker.  Definitely Hotline Miami is the best of the two - while HM2 is good, some of the levels drag on and the plot is too convoluted.  What Hotline Miami is, however, is a neon-drenched twitch-shooter with a thumping soundtrack, incredibly fast-paced gameplay and a fantastically trippy narrative.  The series feels like it was conceived to be played on Vita (touch-screen for looking and dual sticks for aiming) and is absolutely worth your time.

01. DanganRonpa 1 & DanganRonpa 2

What can I say?  Vita's two stand-out games.  Of the two, Trigger Happy Havoc: DanganRonpa is definitely my favourite, but they're both excellent games.  Never before have I been so engrossed in a story; the gameplay provides enough variety and entertainment to keep me hooked; and the story presents so many opportunities to surprise me.  Plus, to become so attached to characters just to see them meet a grisley end at the hands of a killer or worse - be the killer.  Cannot recommend them enough.