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TruckOSaurus said:

 I got this game on the 3DS eShop and the constant item switching and those annoying messages every time you bump into a rock without the proper item equipped really turned me off this game. I wish they'd release an enhanced version with support for more buttons and where the messages appear just once.


You means the Owl Statues for which you need the beaks? Yeah, would have been better if that popped up just once, but that's not enough for me to bump this game down any lower than 5th place lol. I'll take the two buttons for granted as well, was of course a hardware limitation. At least they made it so you can also swap the sword. What can I say, I just love this game!

I would definitely love a good remake though, a tweaked ALBW-style maybe with some of the last imperfections ironed out. Would buy in a heartbeat jumping up and down looking like an anime-girl with huge teary eyes.