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curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Not true, lotsa people who dont have Wii U are talking about Zelda U, I just keep seeing comments from people that are not Nintendo fans who saying they passed Wii U but they will buy NX and ZeldaU, also evre little info we have about Zelda is becoming news in evre gaming media. Of Course that Zelda U cant have hype like some multiplatform game, but same we can say for any Nintendo game or an exclusive game.

I wrote 4-7m where is 7m is highest that Zelda U can achieve on NX not that 7m is what more likely that will be achieved, 5.5m is middle of 4-7m. I expcting that NX will be much more popular and relevance in the console space than Wii U was.

Exclusives can have hype. Uncharted 4 is getting a lot of hype, but then Sony's not starving people of material on it the way Nintendo is starving people of Zelda U material.

And why would people run out in hordes to buy NX after the disaster that the Wii U has been? People will be hesitant to buy another Nintendo system for fear they'll get another short lifespan full of droughts.

Offcourse they can, but again U4 cant have same hype like Batman, F4, Metal Gear, Star Wars or some difrent multipla game. And thats my point, Zelda U is hyped even Nintendo showed so little about game, imagine hype when we will see real trailer or real gameplay, espacily in 30th anniversary year.

Nobody will not buy NX if Nintendo make so many similar mistakes like they done with Wii U, but perception is that NX will be better console and much more appealing and much more attractive console than Wii U was, and frankly that wouldnt be hard to achieve at all because Wii U was blood mess, also people are very hyped about NX and not just Nintendo fans.