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Now that I've re-read Kojima's new declarations, I'm even more confused. In the original declarations, he said two things:

1- MGS4 doesn't have everything he wanted to put in it.
2- The PS3 is not as powerful as he thought.

Now check out this quote from these new declarations:

"Let's say this developer is making hardware, in this case a game"

Hardware? Or a game? This is confusing especially considering that his original declarations are both about hardware and software. Make up your mind Kojima (or don't write in English if you can't get your point clearly across).

Taking this second reading into light, he seems to be rewording his claims on the software side (but not really changing his original point), and simply not touching the PS3 hardware issue. Is that your interpretation too? How does this article really contribute to the issue?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957