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hershel_layton said:
asqarkabab said:

Yeah thats right 

There are many isis wannabes between the refugees and they use the islamic lie the taqiya but most of the refugees are peaceful and kind


I think people such as Faux News supporters use taqiyya way too often as an example. I'm quite sure that not EVERYTHING a Muslims says will be dishonest. I mean, really. I think the real problem that is killing people in America is...well, America! America is currently a mess. People are divided, the government is doing stupid things...It seems crazy.


Also, if people in America cared SO MUCH about preventing terrorism and violent acts, then I don't see why they still support Israel. Think about it.


An American will tell you that ISIS is evil. If you tell them they have god with them, they'll say that isn't a good reason to commit the actions they are doing. However, tell an American Israel is evil, and they'll deny it. For some reason, god's existence is fine to support Israel, but not ISIS.


I am not defending ISIS in any way. In fact, I am against both the Islamic state and Israel. They both illegally settle into land owned by people, they kill innocent civilians, have no sensitivity for people outside of their group, and have their existence rely on god.



I know people will disagree with me, but I cannot take people seriously if they're against ISIS, but support Israel(and vice versa). I've visited Israel and areas with ISIS-like ways enough times to realize they're both dangerous.


That comparison is completely and utterly inapt.  I don't always agree with the actions of Israel, but to compare them with ISIS is silly and kind of offensive.  Let's compare...

In the past 15 years or so, about 10,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict with Israel (this includes enemy combatants and civilians, but does not include citizens in countries such as Lebanon).  In the  past year or so,  ISIS has killed an estimated 10,000 people.  So about 15x the rate.

Muslims, atheists, Christians, and other religions are allowed to serve in the knesset (Israel's parliament).  ISIS kills, rapes, and enslaves members of other religions, and even muslims if they're not the right kind of muslim. 

Israel has no histoy of keeping underage sex slaves.  They have no history of auctioning women as sex slaves. ISIS does.

Israel has not encouraged Jews in other countries to go out into the world and kill people at random to promote global jewhad.  ISIS has encouraged muslims across the world to go out and kill at random to support global jihad.

Israel has no intentions of spreading their religion throughout the world through means of violence.  ISIS makes this an expressed purpose.

Israel has no intention of enforcing barbaric religious laws on people within its borders or without.  ISIS wants the world to be governed by barbaric religious rule.

Israel does not have an apocolyptic agenda centered on creating conflict during the east and west.  ISIS does.  

Israel has produced noble prize winners in the fields of  Medicine,  Chemistry,  Economics,  Physics,  Literature, and has made invaluable contributions in medicine, technology, and so on.  ISIS has not.  




Here's the too long didn't read version.  Israel has taken many actions I disagree with (most notably their actions in Lebanon where the whole nation was held accountable for PLO combatants within their borders, and plan D in the 1948 Arab Israeli War), but most of what they do is geared towards providing for their citizens. Aside from a conflict with Palestine, they are generally at peace with the world at the moment, and are valuable contributors to the global community.  Almost all of what ISIS does is geared towards conquest and spreading war.  To equate them is utterly ridiculous, and it is perfectly rational to support one and not the other.

If you still disagree answer the following questions.

1.  If you are a muslim (and if not imagine you are) would you rather live in Tel Aviv, or ISIS controlled regions of Syria?

2.  If you are a christian (and if not imagine you are) would you rather live in Jerusalem, or ISIS controlled regions of Iraq?

3.  If you had a daughter would you rather hear them say "I am moving to Israel and serving in the Israeli army as is mandated by law", or "I am going to join ISIS and serve as the bride of one of their soldiers"?

4.  If you could choose one group to have access to nuclear arms, would you prefer the Israeli government or ISIS? (I'm guessing you wouldn't want either, but choose one.)

5.  If ISIS had access to the manpower and technology Israel has, what do you think the region would look like?  The world?

Assuming your responses to these questions are reasonable then the difference between the two should become abundandtly clear.