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CGI-Quality said:
JEMC said:
Tomb Raider is quite cheap with the 85% sale. Are there too many QTEs? And are they of the annoying kind?

Tomb Raider is a steal at that price!! The QTEs are there, but I wouldn't say they ruin the experience at all and the game still holds up well enough against current gen games, visually. I'd give it a shot!

Thanks! I guess that, at that price, it's worth it a go.

HoloDust said:
JEMC said:
Tomb Raider is quite cheap with the 85% sale. Are there too many QTEs? And are they of the annoying kind?

If you're fan of old TR...well, this is not a TR game. Neither game nor Lara have any similarities to what defined Tomb Raider, so be prepared for massive let down...and if TR is one of your favorite IPs, which is my case, for even something like pure hate toward SE and CD.


CGI-Quality said:
JEMC said:
Tomb Raider is quite cheap with the 85% sale. Are there too many QTEs? And are they of the annoying kind?

Tomb Raider is a steal at that price!! The QTEs are there, but I wouldn't say they ruin the experience at all and the game still holds up well enough against current gen games, visually. I'd give it a shot! is dirt cheap, and if you're willing to do bit of mental exercise and pretend that you're playing completely new IP called "Psychotic Killer" starring Moana Daft written by pretty terrible "straight to VHS" writter, then you might enjoy some of mechanics in it, like quite good cover shooting.

I've played other Tomb Raider games in the past (I remember playing the first one on PC with no sound ) but I'm not a fan. I enjoy them but that's it, so turning it into a "psychotic killer" game doesn't bother me as long as the game is fun to play and entertaining.

I guess that's not your case.


Btw, the Rift that will go on sale is "CV" for Consumer Version, opposed to "DK" that were Developer Kits. And since I'm not eagerly waiting the arrival of VR, all these launch problems aren't something that worries me. In fact, I kind of expected them.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.