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And, I agree, the CGI was well handled in this movie. It was not overused, and it was spot on. I'm not a fan of that giant Snoke (I hope it's only because it's an hologram, because I wouldn't like a giant ugly monster as the main villain), but that's the only problem I have with it. And I don't have any problems with Snoke's character barely developed, because there are two more films to talk about him/it. The Emperor was barely developed in the OT until the last film, so I'm OK with it. Oh, and yeah, Ford was fantastic. He's not rusty at all. 

Yeah, The Emperor was barely developed because his presence was so obvious that he didn't need to be developed. The whole Trilogy was so good that the time that particular characters take on each episode was enough to go on with the movie. That is the genius of George Lucas. Now... I am laughing.