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The best game to ever grace a PlayStation console wasn't something high profile, but it was the puzzle-game 'Kula World', known as 'Roll Away' in the US. It is a very obscure game. Though there have been multiple in the previous already, it is actually one of the most obscure games on my list and it would even score high on anyone's list I presume. And it's a shame it is.

The player controls a beach-ball around an obstacle course. The ball can roll around all sides of floating beams and jump from one to another to try to reach the coins, fruits and the keys, which open up the exits of the levels. Getting the ball on the correct side of the beams is the real puzzle here, and it's very challenging. There are however so many levels, that I never even finished it. Though it certainly wasn't for the lack of trying, the game is very addicting. When the player gathers five pieces of fruit, the game proceeds to a bonus level to gather extra points and lives.

It's a timeless game, even if the graphics are dated today and weren't even that good to begin with back then. I've never played another puzzle-game that's as addictive as this one was. Never a platform-game that had you think about your next step, ten steps in advance like this one did. Due to this, it's the only "classic" I bought off the PSN store to own a second time, the only one worthy.