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#1 Minecraft; Pretty hard to not put it on the list with its huge success and how it has affected the industry (Not necessarily the AAA industry). I think it will be remembered because all kids today grow up with it just like kids used to grow up with Mario. It's accessible and complicated at the same time. While not first of its kind, it's the one that blew up and is still going strong.

#2 Journey; A piece of game art. It's hard to make a game about just walking to a destination. In a way, Journey is as much a walking simulator as Ethan Carter or Everybody's gone to the Rapture (Sure it has some puzzles and collectibles, but they are very seamless). Since Journey, alot more studios try to make games like it, yet not many pull it off. 

#3 Halo 3; To many Halo-fans (and Halo haters) this was the peak of one of gaming's biggest franchises. More of a classic because in all future Halo titles, there will be people who claims it all went downhill from 3. Adding to that, Halo 3 had very dynamic battles that made almost every playthrough unique, it had a stellar multiplayer experience, it introduced Forge which made it more than just any standard FPS. Suddenly, it could be a racing game, a football game (or Quidditch in Reach). 

#4 Alan Wake; The story is probably why I believe it to be a classic more than the gameplay itself. Everything and everyone has a place in Alan Wake, characters have character, there are unforgetable moments that I do not wish to spoil, the antagonist is a bit Lovecraftian in nature, the collectibles are pages of a book that is the story of the game and lastly is using the light as a weapon, it did get a little stale in the end but it was different and stick with you. There aren't alot of games where you use a flashlight to lower someones defenses.

#5 Mass Effect 2; The definite peak of the Mass Effect Trilogy where almost everything had a consequence the rippled through the galaxy. Characters were flawless (For the most part), dialogue was top notch (even if it was delivered a little meh), good villain/villains. A perfect game to discuss playthroughs with friends.