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Welcome everyone. I'm new here on the site. I've decided to register today for the first time ecause of the comments about the Force Awakens movie...

I watched the movie yesterday and, as a great STAR WARS fan, I am very disappointed.

I fully understand jake_the_fake1 - I'm with you on this. Let me tell you what I think:

JJ Abrams doesn't understand what STAR WARS is about. He made a safe move by using the scenes from previous episodes and rearranging them so they could fit in his own movie. It's not a STAR WARS, it's more like Guardians of the Galaxy. I liked the Guardians, it was fun movie, the plot was very shallow, storyline was there but it was all about the effects and pure adventure, related to nothing really. Good guys and bad guys and lots of fun. But if you want to make a proper STAR WARS movie, blaster shots and tie fighters are not enough to make it work. That what I've learned yesterday. Showing stuff which we already knew from the original trilogy wasn't enough for me to believe that I'm watching a STAR WARS movie. I was keep asking myself 'what is this?!', 'where is the feeling that I'm really watching STAR WARS?'. This movie felt cheap and made me very disappointed as I said before. When I was watching STAR WARS I always felt the force in it, something that made me feel that this is the way of showing STAR WARS, because of deep relation to the force, to the plot, to the characters. Everything there was created minding its deep philosophy. You could just feel it, it was all in the movie, that special ingredient, you knew that someone was creating something on purpose and was constantly aware of what actually makes the STAR WARS what it was. Here, episode 7, came and ruined everything, not because of actors, I don't mind colour of the skin, and I think that Ray was played very well, I liked the actress. But there was so many mistakes and ignorance regarding the great heritage of STAR WARS. The world created by George Lucas was very deep, and mindful of what it had in itself. The force wasn't just a 'matrix' to copy and paste. It was about developing yourself, believing in what is the purpose, feeling the weight of a lightsaber, focusing on the force to know its ways. STAR WARS never was as stupid as the Episode 7 is. The plot? There is no plot if you ask me. The force? What does it matter if you're a trained Jedi or Sith if you cannot defeat someone who was never trained in the force. The force is powerful, the force is something that you need to understand and feel. But it won't be accessed just because you have the talent. Anakin never new how to use it before he was taught to. I believe that JJ Abrams and Company never gave a broken finger what a STAR WARS ever was. They just made a funny action movie, using the old tricks. I would be ashamed if I was on their place. This movie is a rip off and without any clue what a force really is. Now, what fierce me the most, everyone could do everything with the STAR WARS, they just need a contract to do it. I am a fan of the universe and I don't like what happened with one of my favourite franchises. I was full of hope before I saw what I saw. And please, why did this movie need to be so stupid, circumstantial, shallow and just random. The Force Awakens was FORCED to be made and not made with the force. You don't know how happy I am that I have other Episodes made by George Lucas.