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Utterly disgusting. An entire week of playing him for a fool and you want to be forgiven? He thought he found the right girl that made him happy and that boosted his self-esteem and confidence.Now, he finds out that for a whole week, the girl he thought liked him was only doing it for as a prank. You pushed his self esteem off a plane and he probably will never trust another woman for an extremely long time if ever.

You might have instilled paranoia now and he will probably believe that any girl that seems interested in him is being paid by you or someone else with underhanded intentions. What kind of family member exploits another's weaknesses and insecurities with a low blow of that caliber? No, you and that accomplice of yours don't deserve it. If this is true, both of you are the true definition of human trash who's existence is nothing less than a hindrance to society.