Yeah that "exclusives are bad for the industry", we've got 2-3 users specifically using the thread to start a deliberate consoles vs PC slag off fest and so far it's gone well into the negative side of discussion to a point where 3 people have already slagged off the PC platform while me and Zero haven't once slagged off consoles or their users, it appalls me that there hasn't been any form of thread lock or moderation though. I guess this becomes another one of those "you brought it upon yourselves/stop playing the victim" type of scenarios again. I'll eventually get tired of seeing this and end up making a thread to call this kind of irrational behavior front and center for both mods and users alike because it;s honestly getting to be both fruitless and pointless. It just shows that the bigger group on here personally loathe the smaller group (us) and just want any excuse to slag and berate them while trying to pin them down so they cannot speak out (calling the victim card or claiming we brought it upon ourselves). It's just becoming a tiring turn of events that keep repeating over and over because one group seek to eradicate the other (they even show contempt towards Xbox and Nintendo owners on here).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"