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DeduS said:

All I can say is: WTH happened to the PC gaming community?!

I mean, I've been a PC gamer my whole life. I've been gaming on PC since before I could read. I built my first PC when I was 10.

I love building a cool machine. I love overclocking and tuning to get more performance out of my system. I love optimizing my PC's cooling to get it cooler and quieter. I even love fiddling around with graphics options to get the best out of my hardware. But most importantly: I love gaming.

However, despite my love for PC gaming I feel ashamed of the community nowadays. Most of the time I don't even want to out myself as a PC gamer anymore because it would mean associating with a bunch of elitist pricks. Many PC gamers seem to spend most of their time ridiculing consoles and belittling console gamers for daring to enjoy gaming on something else than a crazy-overpowered-$3000-monster-machine of a PC. Why don't you spend your time gaming on your "crazy-overpowered-$3000-monster-machine of a PC" instead of pestering the rest of the gaming community with your nonsense?! Everybody would be better off.

Sorry for the little rant but it's been bothering me for a while and after reading some of the typical pcmasterrace-posts I had to get it off my chest.

Oh... and a bit more on topic: It's a business - whoever pays, makes the rules. It can suck sometimes, but we'll just have to deal with it.

This is exactly my situation. I never minded PC fans and actually thought console fanboys were worse up until a few years ago where PC fanboys started becoming the worst. They pretty much became loud mouthed bullies out of no where and didn't stop. If someone doesn't see this they must not spend any time on other forums or videos on youtube where they are like rats infesting everything and bullying everything/everyone.