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zero129 said:

I honestly dont like exclusives unless they are made by a first party studio. I will always have this believe, cos i think for gaming to really explode exclusives or at least non 1st party eclusives have to go. I mean could you imagine if all movies where exclusive to one platform or another?. Sure the platform with the biggest movies would benefit but as a whole it wouldnt be doing much good.

Pretty much my stance has always been that unless the is a very good reason such as the hardware not being up to the task or it being a new studio that needs funding (But then times exclusivity works better imo like in this case) or something like that, that exclusives should only be kept 1st party.

I know not everyone is going to agree with that but it is my opinion on the subject.

I wasn't saying you should like them, in-fact i agree that in and of themselves they usually do little to benefit the consumer. I was just pointing out that they're an unfortunate bi-product of something important.