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kristianity77 said:
Bofferbrauer said:

After watching both videos, I didn't find Driveclub much more advanced visually. It's most impressive advantage is having much more foliage in the background (if you know how much power they can cost). However, the game couldn't hold a stable 30 fps if it's life depended on it, and the stuttering framerate is noticable througout almost the entire video, sometimes very strongly, too.

As a stuttering framerate is an absolute no-go for me in fast-paced games like racers, the visual prowess of Driveclub comes at way too much of a cost for me. If it had been slightly scaled down to Fast Racing Neo-like graphics it could have achieved a playable framerate, but as it stands it's just a slighly playable diashow slightly prettier than FRN.


Sorry, you are totally and utterly wrong about Driveclub.  It holds 30FPS and does not waiver in any way shape or form.  Just because a Youtube video shows it, doesn't mean a thing because those stutters could have been born from anywhere.  They most certainly did not come from the PS4, its absolute rock steady.  

If you believe that not to be true, then you are welcome to point me to any analysis video which proves otherwise.

Ok, I stand corrected. I haven't played the game (really not my cup of tea) and had just that vid the guy I commented to posted as framing device, and since that one stuttered like hell I supposed that was due to the game, not due to crappy recording. After seeing SvennoJs Video I can see that in reality it runs much better than what the other video showed.

I still prefer when racers run at 60fps, but it's clear that FRN can't keep up in graphical therms with Driveclub