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veritaz said:

1. I don't post on these situations usually or even enter the threads because they're usually the same thing over and over again and lead to no where but this situation was clearly a special occasion like I said with you trying to make people feel bad by saying they're laughing at a man who has cancer. It's because he is calling consoles shit and everything runs like arse/isunplayable.

And yet you're going at me with "over and over again" which is you conradicting yourself by going towards quoting me and claiming I;m always doing the same thing over and over again, seriously the gall here. I see plenty of others making people feel bad, where the hell are you when that happens?, let me guess because it;s the "same thing over and over and I like to avoid it". Again the gall on selectivity here and calling me biased and yety you're oozing it just as much and trying to actively excuse it, especially now putting focus on the "you're making people feel bad on purpose". This is no different than being in the House of Commons, seriously.

2. No, he is literally just whinning and bashing so you are the one clearly trying to turn it into something different to fit your agenda.

He's taking issue with the deal being the main part here, the deal is what was made and he points out the effects of said deal and talked about platform loyalty along with other examples, not just "bashing" a non sentient piece of plastic made by a corp. You right now are trying to fit and skew things towards your own agenda, you chose to jump at me and call me one sided and biased nad yet here you are being one sided and biased, you have serious gall to imply you are completely and utterly unbiased (because you aren't with how you are being selective in the first place, you made that obvious flaw).

3. I consider bashing making fun of someone playing on a system they prefer or making fun of the system itself. It if far more common for the PC crowd to do this and you damn well know it. 

It's just as common from console folk doing it to one another and PC as well as mobiles and you damn well know that just as much, stop trying to skew things towards PC gamers being the end and cause of everything, you know damn well where that will leave us, I highly suggest you stop right there with such a notion.

4. I dislike bashing on any person or platform but I only see that from PC gamers the vast majority of the time. If someone was bashing PC like he was (saying it's shit and all games are unplayable on it) I would say the same thing. You're defending something that is just wrong plain and simple. Get it now?

You claim you don't and yet I don't see you upholding to it, even now you're being slective in saying" PC gamers cause this, they do that all the time, console players do it less", you are being one sided right now within this quote. I am defending the point of him diagreeing with the overal deal, the platform loyalty issue which is still a thing in the gaming industry, to claim it isn't is a pointless folly.


Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"