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veritaz said:
Chazore said:

1.You tell me I'm being one sided and biased and yet I don't see you doing this all the time for when the opposite happens, seriously to call me one sided and biased and you are somehow completely unbiased, how when all humans are biased in general.

3.Can I just ask, where are you every time someone bashes PC gaming?, legit question.

4.Laughing at bias is still laughing at the person in general at the end of the day, his bias isn't some seperate external self aware life form that you can just yank away at will and laugh at seperately, it's coming from him as a person either way.

1. Where do you see that? I generally don't post anything when these sorts of things happen on either side unlike you unless something out of the ordinary is happening like this.

2. You are being completely biased here and trying to turn something he said into something completely different.

3. I don't really see any PC bashing here on the forums at all and don't post in them or console bashing unless it's a special circumstance like this one. Instead I do see you in multiple threads everyday posting the same things over and over again always trying to start arguments with people if they didn't say something you liked(usually if a game is console exclusive or only announced for consoles).

4. Again you're trying to make it sound like everyone who disagrees and laughs at his ridiculous statements is laughing at the person who has cancer and not what he says.

1. You are calling me one sided and biased just like you call him one sided and biased in saying he bashes consoles. I honestly don't know why you save it for "out of the ordinary" which to me means you save for spoecific instances you know you can handle or choose to.

2. You are also being biased in turning it into an argument that's different, at the end of the day we're all biased.

3. You must be selective in what you see and don't see because I've seen it beforehand a few times, maybe not in a way you think is bashing (because lets face it with the bias at hand you now selectively think he's bashing consoles yet don't see anything PC bashing on this site at all which in the end screams being one sided anyway).

You're one to talk, you're arguing with me over something you don't like and you are very likely to do so in the future, over and over again until I say something you like.

4.You're trying to make it sound like it's completely harmless to justify your disliking of what he says, you admitted before you hugely dislike what you perceive as console bashing and again you tell me I'm one sided, again you are just as biased.

Two way street mate. we can do this song and dance all day and you definitelty know as well as I do where this is heading, here I'll even drop this gif to visually show where it's going:

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"