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StarOcean said:
I don't see what the train wreck is..? Can someone tell this half-asleep mod what is supposed to be funny? XD

People or some on here find it funny that someone who's not got long to live is pointing out how annoying it is when money changes hands and IP's/teams are made exclusive to a single system, denying fans previously on other platforms in the process.

He does have some valid points though but those laughing at him seem to revel in the Kojima news as a means of rubbing it in everyone's faces which in the end proves his valid point about platform loyalty being for suckers.

I remember watching his PC port report on MGSV and GZ, he does like the series and found both to be really good ports so I can imagine how he would feel in knowing that he's unlikely to play a future Kojima game on PC due to the change of hands from Konami to Sony.

At the end of the day some here are just looking to start fires and look for reasons to piss all over others. It's great that he's finally free from Konami but there is zero need to call people salty over this news or berate people for wanting to play his future works on different systems.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"