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Here are the categories:

Shooter: Battlefront
Platformer: Mario maker
Action/Adventure: uncharted collection
Adventure: UNTIL DAWN
Puzzle: sherlock homes crimes and punishment
Racer: driveclub bikes
RPG: fallout 4
Strategy/Sim: goat simulator
Sports: rocket league
Rhythm/Music: sound shapes ps4
Remake/HD Collection/Remaster: uncharted
Indie Title: rocket league
Original Music Score: MGSV
Disappointing: Devil's Third
Best Narrative: MGSV
Best Game Nobody Played:
Break-out Sales Surprise (game which surprised with strong sales): Until dawn or rocket league
Most Anticipated (of 2016): uncharted 4
PlayStation 3 Game of the Year: yakuza 5
PlayStation 4 Game of the Year: bloodborne
Xbox 360 Game of the Year: rise of the Tomb Raider
Xbox One Game of the Year: ROTTR
Wii U Game of the Year: Xenoblade
PS Vita Game of the Year: steins gate
3DS Game of the Year: MH4
PC Game of the Year: rocket league
Overall Game of the Year: bloodborne (MGSV a close second).





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