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Does it really matter though? the wii could sell 200 million systems today, and it would have no effect on ps3. samething goes for ps3, why? cause the top 3rd party games is only gonna be on ps3, so there will always be a reason to buy it. you get what im saying? look....the wii and ps3 have two different audience's thats why the wii STILL SOLD WELL durring the week of gta4. the people who bought the wii that week dont care about games like gta,final fantasy,god of war,mgs4, you understand? look were all those top AAA third party games are going in the future, there not going to the wii for obvious reasons, there going to the ps3. there fighting in the same arena yes, but there going after different trophies. nintendo the casual, and sony the hardcore. im happy nintendo is selling alot of systems, but are they really winning? in terms of sales yes, but not games. to truely dominate a market you have to not only have lead in sales, but also the top games NOBODY ELSE HAS just like the ps2 did. and the wii doesn't have that, almost all the games people played on the ps2 is coming back to ps3. this is not a hate post against nintedo, im stating some fact some people might forget. its like nintendo is finaly selling but there not really winning, if it had the same power as ps3, at the same price the wii is now, this war would already be over. final fantasy, mgs4, and all those top third pary games would be on the wii, some of them exclusive. and at the same time still going for the casual audience because of the price, and nintendos first party games, they would have had this war over with already.  i just feel nintendo took a step back as usual with the power of the system, the same way they took a step back with cartridges on N64. is nintendo selling alot of systems? HELL YES! but the wii will NEVER have the selection of games that made the ps2 the power house that it was. do the casual gamers care about those games? NOPE! but those games are whats going to keep the ps3 very close behind the wii in sales, nintendo is winning in hardware yes, but sony will soon be winning in games. and thats something nobody can denie......I will say it again this is not a wii hate post, im just statings fact people seem to ignore, or forget, wii fans you have to understand where im coming from with this, do you?