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curl-6 said:

You continue missing the point about Rare; that back then games took nowhere near as much resources and manpower as today. Making a N64 game in two years (Majora) is a piece of piss compared to making a PS3/360/Wii U game in two years. (Darksiders II)

Can you back up your claims about Skyward Sword not using Wind Waker/Twilight Princess's engine with anything besides your say-so?

Different eras 90s didn't have many conveniences developers had today a lot of things were done manually so it balances out, a lot of resources today are also spent on pointless crap like bringing in high paid actors or practices that aren't needed, Darksiders 2 like MM reused assets and the engine while a game like TP used WW's engine but couldn't use the same assets as it's a different concept and approach while D2 they didn't have that issue. When you reuse things rather then building them from scratch it cuts a lot of time, your whole point is D2 did it so 3 years should be the limit well guess what D2 had a lot of things already made before it was even in development.

I'll ask you to do the same for every part of your argument as most of it is your own word, from people who hacked the game it's more closer to Brawl's engine in fact the main bulk of the engine is Brawl's engine heavily modfied and retooled which would make sense as Brawl released as SS' development was ramping up, TP and WW's base code was present or at least code that was based on it, the engine itself seemed to take elements from various in house engines they had including WSR, I'll dig up the link when I can and PM you as due to the nature of the forums it can't be posted here.