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Planet Coaster, a CMS (Construction Management Sim) created by Frontier Developments is looking to be the spiritual successor to RCT (Rollercoaster Tycoon) but bringing with it their own style and innovations.

Since 5 months ago they released their initial pitch trailer and a month ago their first dev diary showing us what they have been doing in short with the game. A day ago they also released their second dev diary outlining what they allow the user to do in terms of editing the terrain.



Dev Diary #1:


Dev Diary #2:

Game is set for release Q4 2016 (PC only) and so far is looking pretty amazing so far. I know I'm also going to be playing the upcoming RCT as well but Planet Coaster sold me on the trailer, style and dev diaries alone.



Devs have released two new short clips with one being a focus on modular building and the other terrain editing:

Looks like they are really letting you go all out with what you can do.


New dev diary #3.


Park Security guard animations:

New Q&A session with Art director John Laws:

Livestream (currently) Q&A session with Lead Artist Sam Denney with talks about the rides within the game:


Devs have uploaded community creations as well as press interviews:

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"