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Ok.  All of this BS falls into a few categories.

1) Women have babies, and we generally try to keep them from starving.

EX. "6. I can produce offspring. A status which grants me an “essential” status in our species that men can never have and which can never be taken away from me even in old age."

X If you think that this is an essential status, go to a nursing home.  See how essential old women are treated.

"25. My gender enjoys more government spending on health than males do."

Yes, because women have babies, which is pretty costly.  And maternity spending also benefits fathers, and male babies.

So yeah.  People are calling the fact that women have extra health care needs an advantage... That's a glass half full way of putting it.  I'd say pregnancy is kind of a bummer.  Think about it, would you like to get pregnant?  If not, then having babies is not an advantage.

And by the way...

"6. At any time I can abandon my parental responsibilities with little or no social stigma and hand the child over to the state or abort the pregnancy. A male could never relieve himself of this burden unless I allow him to."

No social stigma for abortion?  Has this person been to America?  Like... ever? 

2) Women have the right not to be raped.

"5. I not only have the more valuable and sought after sexual identity, but I also have complete control over my reproductive choice and in many ways over the reproductive choice of the opposite sex."

What in the actual fuck is this?  Women and men have the equal amount of reproductive choice.  If you want to fuck someone, you fuck them.  If you don't, you don't.  If men don't want to fuck, then they can control the reproductive choice of women. 

3)   Can you believe that they make stuff for women?  Fuck the free market.

"24. I have a department of women’s health whereas men have no such department."

"23. Seven times as much jewelry will be purchased by or for me than by or for men."

"22. The majority of luxury apparel is designed, marketed to, and consumed by women."

"37. Not only is there a wealth of clothing choices designed for me but it is likely that I will be able to afford or have them provided for me"

What the fuck would be in a men's health department?  Vitamins and extenze pills?  And if women buying more jewelry is a problem, buy some more damn jewelry for yourself instead of your girl.   And buy some luxury apparel.  Nobody is stopping you.  Just because women choose to so something more than men, doesn't mean it's an advantage, it's a choice both genders have.  Supply and fucking demand.  I mean, sporting goods, power tools, and fleshlights are marketed to and consumed mostly by men, but nobody is complaining about that.

4) Men are nice to pretty women, probably because they want to fuck them.

"2. If I’m not smart, but pretty, I can marry and achieve the social and financial level of my husband without ever working."

"11. When I’m on a date things will be paid for me.

21. My gender controls 80% of domestic spending. We get to spend our money if we have any and we get to spend men’s money.

72. People I’ve never met before are more likely to open doors for me.

73. People I’ve never met before are more likely to talk to me in public.

74. If I go to a bar I can expect that members of the opposite sex will purchase drinks for me."

Personally, I don't want strangers to talk to me, and I'm sure many women feel the same way.  The rest of this comes from men being nicer to women that they want to fuck.  If men have a problem with this, slam doors, marry an uggo, don't give her money, and don't buy drinks.  Simple.  This isn't an inherent advantage in being female, it is a choice made by men.

5) Women don't get drafted.

"18. At age 18 I will not be forced to register for Selective Service and will not be penalized for failing to do so.

7. I am granted all the rights of a democracy without any of the burdens of military service.

68. I can get student financial aid without signing up for Selective Service (the Draft).

69. I can get employment with a federal agency without signing up for Selective Service.

19. At a time of war I will never be drafted and ripped from my employment, home, and family and forced to become a military slave."

The same damn thing said in 5 different ways.  If they wanted to pad the hell out of this list, why not pad it to 100?  And this was not something women asked for.

6) Women can think what they want.

"56. If a man is promoted over me at work I have a right to suspect sexism even though I also believe that under adverse circumstances men are more capable than women of making good decisions

67. I think it is my right to work and I am unconcerned if the influx of women into the workforce has reduced overall wages to the point that it’s hard to support a family on just one income, or affirmative action has kept men from being promoted even though they deserved it.

48. I expect a man to ask me to marry me and suffer the potential risk of rejection.

31. If I fail at my career I can blame the male dominated society."

If I fail at work I can, and do, blame Whitney Houston.  Everybody has the right to think, believe, expect, or blame anything they want.  Who the fuck is going to stop you?  

One exception.  You do not have the right to think that this article or whatever it is, is anything more than a piece of shit.  I'm not a big fan of feminism, but I'm a big enemy of stupidity.