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I loved the original, it's one of my all time favorites. I put hunderds of hours into to game and still remember all the secrets even now.

The choice to release the remake in episodes (or multipart, whatever you want to call it) seems a bit cheap at first, or more like a cash-in for SE. But all the complainers should just chill and wait until it's out. Reading comments stating they drobbed the ball because the fans just want the same game with better graphics is very short sighted. Of course seeing the game with new graphics is cool, but if it's just the same game the experience will (maybe) feel a bit flat in the end for all who already played the orginal for hunderds of hours.

I'm sure SE will put enough of the old heart in the game for fans to recognize. This remake has made me very excited and i will love to explore and experience a story with characters i know so well in a new way.

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