I have never had so much games to look forward to as now, it's kinda crazy really. I doubt I will have time to play all of these but here is what I'm looking most forward to:
10. Valkyria: Azure Revolution (Playstation 4)
9. Dragon Quest Builders (PS4, PSVITA)
8. Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)
7. Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
6. Disaster Report 4 (PS4)
5. Final Fantasy Ⅶ Remake (PS4)
4. The Last Guardian (PS4)
3. Zelda Wii U (Wii U)
2. Dragon Quest XI (PS4, 3DS)
1. Shenmue Ⅲ (Shenmue 3)(PS4)
Honarable mentions: Persona 5, Yakuza 6, Starfox Zero, Zelda Twilight Princess Remake, Valkyria Chronicles Remaster, Bloodstained, Mighty No.9, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter 5, Ni No Kuni 2
By the way, I recently did a video on this topic, so check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAir3Ihgvok