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Sylvarant Chapter  | [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]    

Tethe'alla Chapter | [7] [Chapter 8: SEWERS D: ]

Oh no, the sewers are coming soon…
Our half elf friends get captured in Sybak so we go back to save them, meaning we have to walk on that super long bridge. Now that we have what we need, we go back to Fooji Mountains to get the Rheiards but a trap! Here we fight Pronyma who is weak to light, so you know what that means! Prism Sword! Prism Sword! Prism Sword! We learn that Yuan is also part of Cruxis and is an angel as well and Pronyma runs away.

The sewers…
We need to return to Meltokio, but since the gates are locked, we have to go through the sewers. Through my 6 runs, I will consider this dungeon the second worst in the game. This dungeon isn’t difficult by any means, but it’s so tedious. You have to drag blocks for insane distances and push them down off the edge. But if you accidentally push one off at the wrong spot (which is very easy) then you will have to restart from the beginning. You need to push the block forward, shrink to get in front of it, get big, pull the block, shrink to get behind it, get big and push it forward 1 square, shrink to get in front of it, get big to pull it and repeat. It sucks.

There and back again

Now we are back in Meltokio, we get a boat so we cannot cross the long bridge. Quick jump to leave (yay!) and we are back in Sybak to do a few more things and next, to Gaoracchi Forest. Nothing much to say about this dungeon, except there is a lot of locations that loop and make it unending. Really easy to spot so I progress rather easily. The only annoying thing is that you need to shine light on vegetation that is blocking your path, but there is a sweet spot that you have to shine on or they will not react. The second Sword Dancer is here and he is a lot stronger. He casts a lot of stronger spells, but is still weak to light, so the same strategy applies as fighting the first one. A lot of Prism Swords and Lloyd soaking the damage.

After, we fight Mr. Convict (Fatalize plays as we fight him so obviously he is important) and we leave to the hidden village, Mizuho

We back track quite a bit to finally get to a new location, Mizuho!

Favourite Song: Dry Trail


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